Monday, December 27, 2010

K-12 Testing Market Forecast 2011

K-12 Testing Market Forecast 2011

K-12 Testing Market Forecast 2011 applies Simba Information’s branded expertise in the educational publishing industry to the dynamic market for high-stakes state testing and classroom assessment.
This all-new edition of Simba’s popular Academic Testing report offers decision-makers in all facets of the PreK-12 instructional materials industry insights into the most current business information and market trends affecting the highly competitive testing segment.
K-12 Testing Market Forecast offers a comprehensive overview of statewide, district and classroom testing, with a specific focus on the shifting testing landscape as a result of policy changes and progress in the drive to move testing online.
Specific topics include:
  • Market size by segment: state tests and classroom assessment,
  • Segment growth drivers,
  • Impact of federal policy changes,
  • State penetration by leading testing firms,
  • Current major contract awards,
  • Contract opportunities amid changing state testing policies,
  • Growth outlook of online testing.
K-12 Testing Market Forecast 2011 also provides a complete rundown of the leading vendors currently supplying products and services to the U.S. school testing market.
K-12 Testing Market Forecast 2011 is a must-have market and business intelligence tool for publishers and editors, as well as marketing, business development and investment professionals charged with developing strategies to succeed in the U.S. school testing market.

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