Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Personal Loans and Mortgages in the UK

What Consumers Want: Personal Loans and Mortgages in the UK

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Meeting demand for clear answers to important industry questions, the What Consumers Want series provides country specific data, set against a global backdrop.

What Consumers Want: Personal Loans and Mortgages in the UK

  • The slide pack provides country specific primary data across the mortgage and personal lending markets.
  • The slide pack answers a number of questions on consumer behaviour including product holding and consumer motivation
  • The pack also presents analysis across income and age groups to strengthen and deepen insight
Large proportions of wealthy UK consumers hold mortgage products. Of those with an income of over £150,000 per year 66.7% have a mortgage product, the highest percentage across the income bands
The broker channel is particularly popular in younger consumers. Over half, 57.1% of consumers aged between 18 and 24 consulted a broker to manage their mortgage purchase.
Looking across age groups trustworthiness increases in importance as consumers get older. Honesty shows the same trend, indicating that older consumers value integrity most in their mortgage provider.
Reasons to Purchase
  • This slide pack provides data essential for FS providers wishing to best position their product propositions given consumer attitudes and behaviours
  • Primary data is used to independently profile UK consumers against global peers, whilst providing insight into demographic and income variations.