Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chile (country telecoms regulation overview)

Chile (country telecoms regulation overview)

Chile continues to have one of the highest broadband connection rates in South and Central America (9.82%). The government’s policy to promote broadband use through the resources of the Telecommunications Development Fund has shown good results. Chile’s high broadband penetration level is set to continue to rise after the establishment of bitstream access regulated charges in the incumbent’s network.
In the mobile market, Chile finally caught up with other neighbors such as Brazil and Argentina and allocated 3G licenses. The auction results will affect not only the mobile market but also the fixed and pay-TV markets. VTR, one of the auction winners, is Telefonica’s biggest rival in the Chilean fixed market. VTR will now be able to offer quad-play services while the incumbent currently only offers triple-play.
Another important development in the mobile market in 2009 was the establishment of a number portability technical committee to manage both mobile and fixed number portability in Chile. Subtel, the Chilean regulator, expects number portability (already available in five Latin American countries) to be available in Chile by 2011, with fixed number portability (FNP) implementation taking place only after mobile number portability (MNP) implementation is finalized.
In the fixed market, signs of competition improvement were underlined by the decision to withdraw some of the retail tariff regulations in place, at the request of the Chilean anti-trust tribunal.
Table Of contents
Ovum view
Fixed market overview
Mobile market overview
Broadband market overview
National regulatory authority
Key legislation and regulation
Proposed amendments
Foreign ownership restrictions
Wireless licensing
3G licenses
Wireless broadband access
Retail regulation
SMP operators in the retail market
Wholesale fixed regulation
Narrowband voice interconnection
Services subject to regulation
Fixed number portability
Tariff decree
Procedure for setting and reviewing charges
Wholesale access
Local loop unbundling and bitstream regulation
Wholesale mobile regulation
Services subject to regulation
Mobile number portability
MVNO access
Wireless local loop
Competition cases
The TDLC imposes naked broadband on Telefonica
The TDLC rejects Telmex’s appeal against Telefonica
Universal service
Universal service fund
Universal service law
List of Tables
Table 1: Mobile operators in Chile
Table 2: Chile’s fixed telephony SMP operators and their regions
Table 3: Fixed sector: services subject to regulation
Table 4: Mobile sector: services subject to regulation

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